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成谦,副研究员,硕士生导师。于四川大学获得化学学士学位,澳门大学获得中药学硕士学位和生物医药博士学位,在化学、纳米材料、和药剂学方面拥有多学科背景和经验。研究成果发表于药物制剂领域Materials Today, Advanced Functional Materials, Theranostics, Materials Horizons, SmallSCI学术期刊论文37篇,以第一作者身份发表高水平SCI论文13篇,其中6篇影响因子大于10分,累计影响因子140余分。申请获批相关中国发明专利1项,参编英文专著1项。成果先后获得澳门特别行政区科技研发奖等奖项。



        1. 受自然和中医原理的启发,开发仿生药物递送系统和基于细胞的药物递送系统,以改善治疗多种疾病,例如炎症性疾病和癌症。

        2. 将中药成分融入刺激响应、自组装材料用于各种生物医学应用,例如精准医学和用于靶向治疗的药物控制释放。




1. 申请获批中国发明专利1项,一种超分子细胞载体、载药体系及其制备方法

2. 澳门特别行政区科技研发奖。

3. 中银杯百万奖金澳门区创业大赛冠军。


参编英文专著:Qian Cheng, Hang Yin, Ian W. Wyman and Ruibing Wang*, “Supramolecular Interactions of Cucurbit[n]uril Homologues and Derivatives with Biomolecules and Drugs”. In: D. Tuncel (ed), handbook of Cucurbituril-based Functional Materials, 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry Book, Cambridge.


1. Qian Cheng, Zhiqing Yang, Xingping Quan, Yuanfu Ding, Junyan Li, Ziyi Wang, Yonghua Zhao, Xiaoyuan Chen*, Ruibing Wang*, Tumor polyamines as guest cues attract host-functionalized liposomes for targeting and hunting via a bio-orthogonal supramolecular strategy, Theranostics, 2023, 13, 611.

2. Qian Cheng, Meng Xu, Chen Sun, Kuikun Yang, Zhiqing Yang, Junyan Li, Jun Zheng, Ying Zheng and Ruibing Wang*, Enhanced antibacterial function of a supramolecular artificial receptor-modified macrophage (SAR-Macrophage), Materials Horizons, 2022,9, 934. 

3. Qian Cheng, Ludan Yue, Junyan Li, Cheng Gao, Yuanfu Ding, Chen Sun, Mengze Xu, Zhen Yuan, Ruibing Wang*, Supramolecular Tropism Driven Aggregation of Nanoparticles In Situ for Tumor Specific Bioimaging and Photothermal Therapy, Small, 2021, 17, 2101332.

4. Hang Yin, Qian Cheng (co-first author), David Bardelang,* Ruibing Wang,* “Challenges and opportunities of functionalized cucurbiturils for biomedical applications,” JACS Au, 2023, DOI:10.1021/jacsau.3c00273.

5. Cheng Gao, Qian Cheng (co-first author), Junyan Li, Jia Chen, Qingfu Wang, Jianwen Wei, Qiaoxian Huang, Simon M. Y. Lee*, Dayong Gu*, Ruibing Wang*, Supramolecular macrophage liposome marriage for cell hitchhiking delivery and immunotherapy of acute pneumonia and melanoma. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2102440.

6. Junyan Li, Qian Cheng (co-first author), Ludan Yue, Cheng Gao, Jianwen Wei, Yuanfu Ding, Yitao Wang, Ying Zheng and Ruibing Wang*, Macrophage-hitchhiking supramolecular aggregates of CuS nanoparticles for enhanced tumor deposition and photothermal therapy, Nanoscale Horizons, 2021,6, 907.

7. Cheng Gao, Qian Cheng (co-first author), Jianwen Wei, Chen Sun, Siyu Lu, Cheryl H. T. Kwong, Simon M. Y. Lee, Zhiyuan Zhong*, Ruibing Wang*, Bioorthogonal supramolecular cell-conjugation for targeted hitchhiking drug delivery. Materials Today 2020, 40, 9. 

8Qian Cheng, Shengke Li, Yanlong Ma, Hang Yin and Ruibing Wang*, pH-Responsive supramolecular DOX-dimer based on cucurbit[8]uril for selective drug release. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, 1235.

9. Qian Cheng, Kun-Xu Teng, Yuan-Fu Ding, Ludan Yue, Qing-Zheng Yang* and Ruibing Wang*, Dual stimuli-responsive bispillar[5]arene-based nanoparticles for precisely selective drug delivery in cancer cells, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 2340.

10Qian Cheng, Shengke Li, Chen Sun, Ludan Yue and Ruibing Wang*, Stimuli-responsive perallyloxycucurbit[6]uril-based nanoparticles for selective drug delivery in melanoma cells. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 3, 199. 
