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Overseas Students of CDUTCM Ardently Learn President Xi Jingpin Reply Letter

来源: 发布时间:2020-05-20 15:21:11 浏览次数: 【字体:

REHMAN ZIA UR乌尔(巴基斯坦,2017级)





AFZAL ZAINAB宰纳 (巴基斯坦,2019级)

First of all, we are fortunate to study in China, a country, which is not just a trend setter in modern world, having a strong impact on the global economy, but also has a rich and dynamic civilization. China is indeed the most influential country of this century and we are proud to seek knowledge here. China is our second home and we are grateful to it's lovely people for granting us a chance to experience the life in China and sharing their incredible culture and lifestyle featuring abundance of material and spiritual values. Massive Respect to this great nation who went through so much and still standing strong and rising. The glory are all yours' now and forever! 我爱中国!谢谢习近平主席! 谢谢中国! 加油中国!

QIRRAT祁让特 (巴基斯坦,2017级)

I'm a Pakistani student studying in CDUTCM. As COVID-19 pandemic broke out all over the world, according to my experience my Chinese teachers and friends are supporting,taking care and providing lots of facilities to Pakistani students during this situation and even to all other foreigners also.I really appreciate the hard working of Chinese teachers and friends who always supports us and being available all the time to help us and support us. I'm so glad that I study in China because Chinese governments and all Chinese people are so helpful, especially when they hear that we are Pakistani and what we hear from them is that ooh Pakistan and China good friends, and I just wish tha our friendship long last and become stronger.


Hello, My Chinese name is 马吉特.I am studying in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.This is my third year in China. I wanna say thank you to my university for taking our health report and staying in contact with us everytime in this epidemic,it feels me lucky that I am studying in China. we learn lots of new things in past three years like medical knowledge along with Chinese tradition and Chinese culture under the China protection. I see that Chinese government provide all the facility to protect from coronavirus.As you see, since the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, the Chinese government and schools have always cared for the lives and health offoreign students studying in China. Chinese government and people put people's lives first and treat foreigners in China the same as Chinese peoples.China is the country who always invites people from all over the globe and provide the good environment for their future in different way like study and jobs , I see that Chinais making great efforts to stop this epidemic and I also see that China is only the country who successful to overcome this epidemic and slowly slowly life is coming normal in China and China is also ready for help for any country to fight against this epidemic so this proves that China is always stay with humanity. We believe and trust in China. since the beginning of this epidemic when people enter in the communities there will be checking temperature and card excess of every people, they also provide mask,alcohol sanitizeretc.we will fully overcome this epidemic very soon,believe that! I appreciate the Chinese government for doing efforts towards foreign students,related to their safety etc. Thank you China,thank you Chinese government, thank you IEC,love you China!


Thanks to president of a great nation honorable Mr.Xi Jinping for such a great remarks.We as a students are always looking forward to make a strong social network with our Chinese friends, understanding the importance of Chinese language for mutual benefits.Every day spending healthy time to learn Chinese language.During my stay in China, watching China closely to fight against Covid-19,not only me the whole World is impressed by the leadership of China,the management,and the responsible behavior of China as a nation to win this battle. I'm always active in my friends circle to make the same opinion what I have seen 'China as a greatnation'. As a Pakistani,we always love China.In Covid-19 the way China supported us and continuously supporting reflects the Chinese attitude towards friendly nations .We always believe in the saying,“afriend in need is a friend indeed”. We Pakistanis,when we see ourclose economic(one belt one road),political,and strategic relationswith China,we consider this time as great opportunity, being astudent in China.Thanks to CDUTCM,Thanks to China.

中巴友谊长存!long live Pak-China friendship!

JAMALI ZOHAIB AHMED 贾马里(巴基斯坦,2019级)

China is a great country and they have proved this in this epidemic. When all world is in panic China is handling everything pretty smoothly. As a student living in china, I got great and special care from CDUTCM officials. For those student who are in china they have given us very kind and special treatment.Providing us with free food,free medical accessories like mask,gloves etc so that we won't have to go out and decrease our infecting rate . They check our temperature every day spraying antivirus spray in rooms and alley. And we are happy and safe here. Ifeel like China is my second home and respected Chinese people are like our family members, they are so kind with overseas students. Iam very grateful to CDUTCM and I’m always proud of my decision to come to china and join CDUTCM

Thank you China

Thank you CDUTCM!

SOHAIL AMIR 苏海尔(巴基斯坦,2019级)

My name is Amir sohail, I am studying medicine in China,I am a 2019batch student of CDUTCM,I spend happy time in China and saw the people of China who are very kind and honest,and I noticed that they are very loyal to each others and also to the people who are studying or doing other works. I love their kind hearts for Pakistanis. we love China and Chinese people very much,the people of China are very hard working and due to their hard work they will lead world in near future. Chinese people are much civilized, they are ready to help usin every single moment. To be honest, I am a great fan of China and Chinese people. Pakistan and China are two good friends forever, andI’m proud to be a student studying in China.

SHAHZAD HINA 希娜(巴基斯坦,2019级)

China and Pakistan have a good bi-lateral relationships. In this criticaltime of epidemic, Pakistan faced major hurdles due to lack of medical facilities, expertise and medical materials. Pakistan manage defficiently to deal with COVID-19 due to assistance extended by friendly China. Chinese Government sent highly expert team of doctors who arrived at Pakistan in 2 weeks and provided valuable assistance,intensive training and crash programs to Pakistani health officials and doctors to deal and overcome COVID -19 challenges. Not only Chinese government has looked after us in this critical time, our beloved Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine would also be highly appreciated . Our teachers took care of us like our parents.They provided us intensive care and fulfilled all our necessities.Studying in China is a lovely experience for me .I am highly grateful to Chinese Government and put beloved school for taking such a great care . 感恩中国!感恩成中医!
