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  • 药杵臼? 清代,高5cm,口径14cm,圆口,腹稍内收,平底,外壁有青花缠枝纹饰,为药物加工工具。Medicine mortar in Qing Dynasty,5cm in height,14cm in caliber,roundopening,slight contraction in belly part,flat bottom,decoration of twistingtree branches picture in blue and white...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 骨灰坛? 清代,高47cm,口径22cm,底径30cm,直口,肩微鼓,平底,器身饰青花山水人物图案,肩部贴塑四个兽形纽。Jar of bone ash in Qing Dynasty,47cm in height,22cm in caliber,30cm inbottom,straight opening,slightly protruding shoulder,flat bottom,decorationwith the picture o...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药瓶? 民国,高14.5cm,盘口,细长颈,鼓肩,直腹,平底,饰青花山水纹,实用性与艺术性兼具。Medicine bottle in the Republicof China,14.5cm in height,plate-shaped opening,thin andlong neck,protruding shoulder,straight belly,flat bottom,decoration with landscapepicture in bl...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药瓶? 清代,高8cm,口径3cm,方形,圆井形口,腹部为药铺名铭文,是盛装颗粒药或粉状药的用具。Medicine bottle in QingDynasty,8cm in height,3cmin caliber,square shape,opening with round-wellshape,inscription of thepharmacy name in the bellypart,an utensil to put powderand gr...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 酒坛? 近代,高63cm,口径19.7cm,口沿书“发售各种药酒”铭,腹部书“桐君阁”及“冯了性药酒”等铭文。Medicine jar in modern time,63cm in height,19.7 in caliber,inscription ofselling all kinds of medicine liquors around the neck opening,inscription ofmedicine liquor from Feng...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药杵臼? 清代,高7cm,口径17.5cm,杵长17cm。圆口,腹内收,平底,腹部有青花缠枝纹饰。Medical mortar in Qing Dynasty,7cm in height,17.5cm in caliber,17cm ofpestle length,round opening,contraction inner towards in belly,flat bottom,decoration with twining branches picture ...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 皂盒? 民国,长11.8cm,宽8.8cm,高9.4cm。长方形,四角为弧形,桥形纽,盖与器身有字母口相合。Soap box in the Republic of China,11.8cm in length,8.8cm in width,9.4cmin height,complete vessel shape in square,arc in four angle,bridge-shapedhandle,good fit between the cover a...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 药坛? 清代,高16cm,口径9.5cm,底径17cm,直口鼓肩,直腹,平底,施黄釉,饰粉彩桃叶纹饰。Medicine vat in Qing Dynasty,16cm in height,9.5cm in caliber,17cm in bottomdiameter,straight opening and protruding shoulder,flat bottom,straight belley,yellow glaze,decoration with...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 唾盂? 明代,口径6cm,高8.5cm。敞口,直颈,肩微鼓,腹内收,圈足,饰青花花卉纹,肩部贴塑三个辅首纹。Spittoon in Ming Dynasty,6cm in caliber,8.5cm in height,broad opening.straight neck,slightly protruding in shoulder part,inner-towards contractionin belly,round foot,decor...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
  • 虎子? 清代,高16cm,长22cm,宽17cm。椭圆形瓜棱状,圆筒形口,平唇,器身遍饰青花枝叶纹和卷云纹,板桥形提梁。Piss pot in Qing Dynasty,16cm in height,22cm in length,17cm in width,ovaledge in a melon shape,tube with a flat opening,decoration with tree branches,leaves,and c...
    [瓷器] 发表时间:2022-03-14
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